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Success Stories:
Here is a list of the rabbits who have been adopted from AAORR.

Name: Rhaenyra
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed January 3, 2022)
Breed: Domestic
Born: Born approx June 25, 2022
Intake Date: September 12, 2022
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: October 28, 2023

Name: Herbie
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered October 19, 2022)
Breed: Domestic
Born: Young Adult
Intake Date: October 5, 2022
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: October 19, 2022
Adoption Date: April 30, 2023
Surrender Back: May 6, 2023
Adoption Date: September 30, 2023

Name: Cinna
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered: March 15, 2021)
Breed: Domestic
Born: Born mid November 2020
Intake Date: December 8, 2020
Trial Run: October 18, 2022
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: April 28, 2021
Adoption Date: April 30, 2023
Surrender Back: May 6, 2023
Updated: September 30, 2023

Name: Yennefer
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed: November 20, 2021)
Breed: Mini Rex
Born: Born May 21, 2020
Intake Date: January 7, 2022
Adoption Date: May 19, 2023
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: November 24, 2022

Name: Jaskier
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered February 28, 2022)
Breed: Domestic
Born: Young Adult
Intake Date: January 27, 2022
Adoption Date: May 19, 2023
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: February 2023

Name: Cone
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed August 24, 2022)
Breed: Domestic
Born: February 17, 2022
Intake Date: February 17, 2022
On Trial Run: May 16, 2022
Adoption Date: May 9, 2023

Name: Lucky (Renamed Zola)
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed July 22, 2022)
Breed: Domestic
Born: February 17, 2022
Intake Date: February 17, 2022
Adoption Date: July 22, 2022
Surrendered Back: January 14, 2023
Adoption Date: March 25, 2023
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: UTD

Name: Pipkin
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered November 21, 2022)
Breed: Holland Lop
Born: Approx 6-9 Months at Intake
Intake Date: October 2022
Adoption Date: November 21, 2022

Name: Herman
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered July 8, 2022)
Breed: Domestic
Born: February 17, 2022
Intake Date: February 17, 2022
Adoption Date: October 22, 2022
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: June 2, 2022

Name: Morgona
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed: June 17, 2022)
Breed: Domestic
Born: Young Adult
Intake Date: January 27, 2022
Adoption Date: September 24, 2022
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: June 2022

Name: Claude
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered August 5, 2022)
Breed: Domestic
Born: February 17, 2022
Intake Date: February 17, 2022
Adoption Date: August 5, 2022
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: June 2, 2022

Name: Fennel (Renamed Rosie)
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed July 22, 2022)
Breed: Domestic
Born: February 17, 2022
Intake Date: February 17, 2022
Adoption Date: July 22, 2022
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: June 2, 2022

Name: Lucas
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered October 5, 2020)
Breed: Dwarf
Born: Young Adult
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: April 28, 2021
Intake Date: August 29, 2020
Adoption Date: July 4, 2022

Name: Cirilla
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed Februry 26, 2020)
Breed: Domestic
Born: Adult
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: April 30, 2021
Intake Date: February 19, 2020
Adoption Date: July 2, 2022
Name: Odin
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered July 5, 2018)
Breed: Mix Breed
Age: Born Approx. January 31, 2018
Intake Date: March 5, 2018
Adoption Date: November 15, 2019
Surrendered Back: June 16, 2022
Adoption Date: June 26, 2022
Name: Kelsier
Gender: Neutered Buck ()
Breed: English Lop
Born: April 2018
Intake Date: July 31, 2021
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: August 23, 2021
Adoption Date: September 6, 2022
Surrendered Date: April 2, 2022
Adoption Date: April 18, 2022

Name: Valentine
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed March 11, 2022)
Breed: REW
Born: Young Adult
Intake Date: February 14, 2022
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: February 20, 2022
Adoption Date: March 22, 2022

Name: Caesar
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered at CHS)
Breed: Holland Lop
Born: Adult (Was a stray, 5-6 years old at time of intake.)
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: January 6, 2022
Intake Date: December 20, 2021
Adoption Date: March 25, 2022

Name: Kyo
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Angora
Born: Born Approx February 28, 2021
Intake Date: June 28, 2021
RHDV2 Vaccination Date:
Adoption Date: February 16, 2022

Name: Tomoya
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered: February 24, 2021)
Breed: Domestic
Born: Adult (Estimated between 3 to 4 years old at time of intake.)
Intake Date: July 25, 2020
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: April 28, 2021
Trial Run Date: June 28, 2021
Adoption Date: January 5, 2022

Name: Kadabra
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered December 5, 2019)
Breed: Domestic
Born: July 27, 2019
Intake Date: July 27, 2019
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: April 30, 2021
Adoption Date: On Trial Run: December 20, 2012

Name: Alakazam
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered December 9, 2019)
Breed: Domestic
Born: July 27, 2019
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: April 28, 2021
Intake Date: July 27, 2019
Adoption Date: December 20, 2021

Name: Hanako
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered October 18, 2021)
Breed: Lionhead Cross
Born: Approx June/July 2021
Intake Date: August 8, 2021
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: September, 2021
Adoption Date: October 18, 2021

Name: Wednesday
Gender: Intact Buck (Unable to be neutered.)
Breed: Lop
Born: Estimated 10+ years old at time of intake.
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: April 29, 2021
Intake Date: March 14, 2020
Adoption Date: July 25, 2021

Name: Tohru
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed August 9, 2021)
Breed: Angora
Born: Born Approx February 28, 2021
Intake Date: June 28, 2021
Adoption Dte: July 25, 2021

Name: Sullivan
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered June 7, 2021)
Breed: Flemish Cross
Born: Approx January 2021
Intake Date: May 3, 2021
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: June 7, 2021
Adoption Date: June 7, 2021

Name: Maple
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered November 16, 2020)
Breed: Domestic
Born: May 12, 2020
Intake Date: May 13, 2020
Trial Run: December 26, 2020
Adoption Date:

Name: Lysethia
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed December 10, 2020)
Breed: Domestic
Born: Estimated 3 years old at time of intake.)
Intake Date: November 18, 2020
Trial Run: December 19, 2020
Adoption Date: January 29, 2021

Name: Joel
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered October 26, 2020)
Breed: Domestic
Born: May 12, 2020
Intake Date: May 13, 2020
Adoption Date: December 21, 2020

Name: Dimitri
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered December 16, 2020)
Breed: Harliquin
Born: Young Adult
Intake Date: October 31, 2020
Adoption Date: December 17, 2020

Name: Lucy
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed December 21, 2020)
Breed: Domestic
Born: Approx May 1, 2020
Intake Date: October 27, 2020
Adoption Date: November 19, 2020

Name: Suki
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed November 16, 2020)
Breed: Mini Rex Cross
Born: May 27, 2020
Intake Date: May 27, 2020
Adoption Date: November 25, 2020

Name: Appa
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered October 20, 2020)
Breed: Mini Rex Cross
Born: May 27, 2020
Intake Date: May 27, 2020
Adoption Date: November 2, 2020

Name: Abra
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered December 5, 2019)
Breed: Domestic
Born: July 27, 2019
Intake Date: July 27, 2019
Adoption Date: October 30, 2020

Name: Squirtle
Gender: Neutered December 10, 2019
Breed: Domestic
Born: July 27, 2019
Intake Date: July 27, 2019
Adoption Date: September 17, 2020

Name: Amelia
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed July 24, 2020)
Breed: Mini Rex
Age: Adult (3-5 years approx at time of intake)
Intake Date: April 30, 2020
Adoption Date: August 14, 2020

Name: Katara
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed November 4, 2020)
Breed: Mini Rex Cross
Born: May 27, 2020
Intake Date: May 27, 2020
Adoption Date: August 10, 2020

Name: Momo (aka Laura)
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed October 28, 20020)
Breed: Mini Rex Cross
Born: May 27, 2020
Intake Date: May 27, 2020
Adoption Date: July 22, 2020

Name: Misty
Gender: Spayed, December 9, 2019)
Breed: Domestic
Born: July 27, 2019
Intake Date: July 27, 2019
Adoption Date: August 1, 2020

Name: Ellie (aka Stella)
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed October 26, 2020)
Breed: Domestic
Born: May 12, 2020
Intake Date: May 13, 2020
Adoption Date: July 14, 2020

Name: Shiro
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: New Zeland White
Born: Adult
Intake Date: July 27, 2019
Adoption Date: March 23, 2020

Name: Bronn
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered June 7, 2019)
Breed: Black Magpie Harlequin x Lionhead
Born: January 17, 2019
Intake Date: January 31, 2019
Adoption Date: February 20, 2020
Name: Kuma
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered July 24, 2019)
Breed: Lop
Age: Adult
Intake Date: May 5, 2019
Adoption Date: December 24, 2019

Name: Oberyn
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered June 7, 2019)
Breed: Black Magpie Harlequin x Lionhead
Age: January 17, 2019
Intake Date: January 31, 2019
Adoption Date: November 22, 2019

Name: Pika
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed November 15, 2019)
Breed: Dutch
Born Approx April 14, 2019
Intake Date: June 20, 2019
Adoption Date: November 21, 2019

Name: Tormund
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered June 4, 2019)
Breed: Black Magpie Harlequin x Lionhead
Age: January 17, 2019
Intake Date: January 31, 2019
Adoption Date: November 13, 2019

Name: Katniss
Gender: Doe
Breed: Domestic
Age: Adult
Intake Date: July 19, 2019
Adoption Date: October 4, 2019

Name: Haru
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed: March 14, 2019)
Breed: Domestic
Age: Young Adult
Intake Date: February 28, 2019
Adoption Date: September 26, 2019

Bonded Pair
Name: Bill
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Lionhead
Age: May 5, 2009
Intake Date: May 10, 2018
Name: Estaban (Previously named Lambie when he was with us in 2012)
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered December 27, 2012)
Breed: Lionhead
Age: Born May 27, 2012
Intake Date: December 8, 2012
Date Adopted: August 13, 2013
Date Surrendered: May 10, 2018
Adoption Date: August 14, 2019

Name: Sandor
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered June 5, 2019)
Breed: Black Magpie Harlequin x Lionhead
Age: January 17, 2019
Intake Date: January 31, 2019
Adoption Date: August 5, 2019

Name: Deku aka Neko (Bonded to Roxy)
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered November 7, 2018)
Breed: Mix Breed
Born: Young Adult
Intake Date: October 30, 2018
Trial Run: April 13, 2019
Adoption Date: July 18, 2019

Name: Roxy (Bonded to Deku)
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed: January 31, 2019)
Breed: Black Magpie Harlequin
Born: March 6, 2018
Intake Date: January 31, 2019
Trial Run: April 30, 2019
Adoption Date: July 18, 2019

Name: Emma (Bonded to Shireen)
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed June 6, 2019)
Breed: Black Magpie Harlequin x Lionhead
Born: January 17, 2019
Intake Date: January 31, 2019
Adoption Date: July 17, 2019

Name: Shireen (Bonded to Emma)
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed June 5, 2019)
Breed: Black Magpie Harlequin x Lionhead
Born: January 17, 2019
Intake Date: January 31, 2019
Adoption Date: July 17, 2019

Name: Lannister aka Swiffer
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered June 3, 2019)
Breed: Black Magpie Harlequin x Lionhead
Born: January 17, 2019
Intake Date: January 31, 2019
Adoption Date: June 27, 2019

Name: Riley
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered June 5, 2019)
Breed: Black Magpie Harlequin x Lionhead
Age: January 17, 2019
Intake Date: January 31, 2019
Adoption Date: June 5, 2019

Name: Gendry aka Pan
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered May 31, 2019)
Breed: Black Magpie Harlequin x Lionhead
Age: January 17, 2019
Intake Date: January 31, 2019
Adoption Date: May 31, 2019

Name: Hazel
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: American Mix
Age: Born approx Summer 2018
Intake Date: February 2019
Adoption Date:May 27, 2019

Name: Fiver
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: New Zeland White (REW)
Age: Born approx Summer 2018
Intake Date: February 2019
Adoption Date: May 27, 2019

Name: Frostbite aka Levi
Gender: Neutered Buck (Nautered: March 1, 2019)
Breed: Demostic
Age: Adult
Intake Date: February 10, 2019
Adoption Date: April 7, 2019

Name: Benjen
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered December 13, 2018)
Breed: Demostic Mix
Born: Young Adult
Intake Date: November 26, 2018
Adoption Date: January 26, 2019

Name: Yuki
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed November 7, 2018)
Breed: Lionhead
Born: Approx 2-3 years of age.
Intake Date: October 30, 2018
Adoption Date: December 8, 2018

Name: Luke Skyhopper
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered November 6, 2017)
Breed: Demostic Mix
Age: Born July 27, 2017
Intake Date: July 28, 2017
On Trial Run: October 20, 2018
Adoption Date: November 22, 2018

Name: Destiny
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed July 5, 2018)
Breed: Mix breed
Age: Born Approx January 2018
Intake Date: May 25, 2018
Adoption Date: October 26, 2018

Name: Faith
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed December 21, 2017)
Breed: Mix breed
Age: Approx 1 yr ate time of intake.
Intake Date: May 25, 2018
Adoption Date: June 26, 2018

Name: Carl
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered October 26, 2017)
Breed: Dutch
Age: Born Approx May 20, 2017
Intake Date: June 29, 2017
Adoption Date: June 22, 2018
Is this rabbit good with other animals?: With proper introductions, Carl would be fine!

Name: Esmeralda aka Ezzie
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed December 19, 2017)
Breed: Angora/Jersey Wooly Mix
Age: Approx 8 mo to 1 yr. at time of intake.
Intake Date: November 10, 2017
Adoption Date: April 8, 2018

Name: Drogo
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered October 23, 2017)
Breed: Dutch
Age: Born Approx May 20, 2017
Intake Date: June 29, 2017
Adoption Date: March 21, 2018

Name: Hope
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: Flemish Giant
Age: Approx 2 years old at date of intake.
Intake Date: June 21, 2017
Adoption Date: February 23, 2018

Name: Moana
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed November 6, 2017)
Breed: Dutch
Age: Born Approx May 20, 2017
Intake Date: June 29, 2017
Adoption Date: February 2, 2018

Name: Davos
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered October 26, 2017)
Breed: Dutch
Age: Born Approx May 20, 2017
Intake Date: June 29, 2017
Adoption Date: January 13, 2018

Name: Ariel
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed November 16, 2017)
Breed: Dutch
Age: Born Approx May 20, 2017
Intake Date: June 29, 2017
Adoption Date: January 13, 2018

Name: Calypso
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: Mini Lop
Age: Adult (Approx 4 years old at time of intake)
Intake Date: June 3, 2017
Adoption Date: December 31, 2017

Name: Indiana
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed October 23, 2017)
Breed: Dutch
Age: Born Approx May 20, 2017
Intake Date: June 29, 2017
Adoption Date: December 26, 2017

Name: Killua
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered November 16, 2017)
Breed: Dutch Mix
Age: Born July 27, 2017
Intake Date: July 28, 2017
Adoption Date: December 15, 2017

Name: Pantaloons (Adoption Pending)
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed November 9, 2017)
Breed: Dutch
Age: Born Approx May 20, 2017
Intake Date: June 29, 2017
Foster to Adopt Date: July 25, 2017
Adoption Date: November 2017

Name: Khaleesi
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed October 27, 2017)
Breed: Dutch
Age: Born Approx May 20, 2017
Intake Date: June 29, 2017
Adoption Date: November 19, 2017

Name: Nymphadra Tonks
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: Flemish Giant
Age: January 14, 2017
Intake Date: June 17, 2017
Adoption Date: October 25, 2017

Name: Ghost
Gender: Doe (Spayed: August 22, 2017)
Breed: New Zealand
Age: Adult
Intake Date: June 29, 2017
Adoption Date: October 25, 2017

Name: Margo
Gender: Doe (Spayed February 12, 2015)
Breed: Holland Lop Cross
Born: September 14, 2014
Intake Date: October 31, 2014
Date Adopted: December 27, 2014
Date Surrendered: September 2, 2017
Date Adopted: October 8, 2017

Name: Clyde
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered in 2010)
Breed: Mini Rex
Age: Born 2007
Intake Date: April 29, 2017
Adoption Date: August 23, 2017

Name: Eloin
Gender: Doe (Spayed July 31, 2017)
Breed: Dutch
Age: Adult
Intake Date: June 29, 2017
Adoption Date: August 19, 2017

Name: Elias
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Flemish Giant
Age: Born: Approx December 2015
Intake Date: June 17, 2017
Adoption Date: August 4, 2017

Name: Alastor
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered June 29, 2017)
Breed: Mix Breed
Age: Adult
Intake Date: April 29, 2017
Adoption Date: July 22, 2017

Name: Romeo
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered May 25, 2017)
Breed: Mix Wool Breed
Age: Adult (Estimate 2015)
Intake Date: April 30, 2017
Adoption Date: July 11, 2017

Name: Cookie
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: Mini Rex
Age: Born Summer 2012
Intake Date: January 7, 2017
Adoption Date: June 2017

Name: Buddha
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered March 2, 2017)
Breed: Flemish Giant Cross
Age: Born February 21, 2016
Intake Date: November 15, 2016
Adoption Date: May 1, 2017

Name: Harley
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered: April 4, 2016)
Breed: Mini Lop
Age: Born appprox 2013
Intake Date: March 27, 2016
Adoption Date: March 28, 2017

Name: Primrose
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed March 6, 2017)
Breed: Mini Rex
Age: Adult
Intake Date: February 19, 2017
Adoption Date: March 19, 2017

Name: Mac
Gender: Neutered Male (Neutered: January 19, 2017)
Breed: American
Age: Adult
Intake Date: September 15, 2016
Adoption Date: February 28, 2017

Name: Kuro
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered: December 14, 2016)
Breed: Dutch Cross
Age: Born October 12, 2016
Intake Date: February 3, 2017
Adoption Date: February 16, 2017

Name: Tywin
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered January 19, 2017)
Breed: Lionhead Lop Cross
Age: Adult
Intake Date: January 5, 2017
Adoption Date: February 15, 2017

Name: Momiji
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed August 4, 2016)
Breed: Mix
Born: Approx March 1, 2016
Intake Date: April 9, 2016
Adoption Date: January 17, 2017

Name: Ramsay
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered October 22, 2015)
Breed: REW
Born: Approx December 2014
Intake Date: September 23, 2015
Adoption Date: January 15, 2017

Name: Nymeria aka Punk'n
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed October 19, 2015)
Breed: Flemish Giant
Age: Born March 31, 2015
Intake Date: October 23, 2015
Adoption Date: November 23, 2016

Name: Nova
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered September 1, 2016)
Breed: Netherland Dwarf
Born: Approx 2011
Intake Date: August 2016
Adoption Date: November 15, 2016

Name: Jenny
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed September 15, 2016)
Breed: Lop
Born: Adult
Intake Date: August 2016
Adoption Date: October 23, 3016

Name: Lyra & Toph
Gender:Does (Spayed December 3, 2015)
Breed: French Lop Cross
Age: Born Approx July 1, 2015
Intake Date: July 21, 2015
Adoption Date: September 1, 2016

Name: Winry
Gender:Doe (Spayed December 4, 2015)
Breed: French Lop Cross
Age: Born July 1, 2015
Intake Date: July 21, 2015
Adoption Date: August 27, 2016

Name: Ohana (Adoption Pending)
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed: April 25, 2016)
Breed: Fuzzy Lop
Born: Approx 2 years at intake.
Intake Date: April 14, 2016

Name: Dixon
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered April 10, 2013)
Breed: Dutch cross
Age: Born approx July 2012
Intake Date: March 11, 2013
Adoption Date: July 9, 2016

Name: Cosmo & Elsa
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered July 16, 2013) / Spayed Doe
Breed: Cosmo: Netherland Dwarf / Elsa: Mix
Age: Cosmo born approx. May 2012 / Elsa born approx March 2013
Cosmo origional intake date: May 3, 2013
Elsa: Origional Intake Date: March 9, 2014
Cosmo 1st Adoption Date:July 13, 2013
Elsa 1st Adoption Date: May 23, 2014
Surrendered back: December 27, 2015
Adoption Date: July 7, 2016

Name: Leo
Gender: Doe (Spayed November 12, 2015)
Breed: Lionhead
Age: Born Approx. 2012/2013
Intake Date: October 23, 2015
Adoption Date: March 14, 2016

Name: Daisy
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: Netherland Dwarf
Intake Date: December 5, 2015
Adoption Date: December 24, 2015

Name: Alphonse
Gender: Buck (Neutered December 14, 2015)
Breed: Flemish Giant
Age: Born July 18, 2015
Intake Date: October 24, 2015
Adoption Date: November 18, 2015

Name: Edward
Gender: Buck (Neutered December 14, 2015)
Breed: Flemish Giant
Age: Born July 18, 2015
Intake Date: October 24, 2015
Adoption Date: November 17, 2015

Name: Selina
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed: March 14, 2013)
Breed: Mix
Age: Born Approx June 2012
Intake Date: March 2013
Adoption Date: November 7, 2015

Name: Skyler
Gender: Buck (Neutered January 5, 2016)
Breed: Lop Mix
Age: Born Approx August 1, 2015
Intake Date: September 13, 2015
Adoption Date: October 31, 2015

Name: Margo
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: Lop Cross
Age: 6
Intake Date: September 1, 2015
Adoption Date: October 4, 2015

Name: Annie
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: Harlequin
Age: Approx 2 Years Old
Intake Date: September 1, 2015
Adoption Date: September 19, 2015

Name: Jack & Princess
Gender: Neutered Buck / Spayed Doe
Breed: Jack - New Zealand / Princess - Californian
Age: Jack - Born: Approx September 2012 / Princess - Born: April 2007
Intake Date: March 1, 2015
Adoption Date: September 9, 2015

Name: Rubeus Hagrid (Roo)
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered August 20, 2015)
Breed: Flemish Giant
Age: Born April 19, 2012
Intake Date: July 27, 2015
Adoption Date: September 1, 2015

Name: Lilo
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered August 6, 2015)
Breed: Mix Breed
Age: Aprox. February 14, 2015
Intake Date: April 2, 2015
Adoption Date: August 28, 2015

Name: Cassidy
Gender: Spayed doe
Breed: Mix breed
Age: Born 2006
Intake Date: November 24, 2014
Adoption Date: August 24, 2015

Name: Beanie
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Mix
Intake Date: June 2015
Adoption Date: August 11, 2015

Name: Daenerys
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: Mix
Age: Aprox 1 1/2 year old
Intake Date: December 12, 2014
Adoption Date: July 24, 2015

Name: Lion
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Dwarf x Lionhead
Intake Date: June 2015
Adoption Date: July 20, 2015

Name: Oy
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Dutch
Age: Adult
Intake Date: July 16, 2015
Adoption Date: July 16, 2015

Name: Dexter & Dee Dee
Gender: Fixed Bonded Pair
Breed: Dexter, Mix Breed / Dee Dee, Mini Rex
Age: Both aprox 4 - 5 years old.
Intake Date: November 24, 2014
Adoption Date: June 16, 2015

Name: Finnick
Gender: Buck (Neutered December 29, 2014)
Breed: Mix
Age: Aprox 1 1/2 year old
Intake Date: December 12, 2014
Adoption Date: June 1, 2015

Name: Gimli
Gender: Buck (Neutered February 24, 2015)
Breed: Lionhead
Age: Aprox 1 year old
Intake Date: February 13, 2015
Adoption Date: May 19, 2015

Name: Espresso
Gender: Doe (Spayed December 29, 2014)
Breed: Lop Mix
Age: Aprox 1 year old
Intake Date: December 12, 2014
Adoption Date: March 12, 2015

Name: Nova
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed August 12, 2014)
Age: Aprox 2 years old
Intake Date: November 19, 2014
Adoption Date: March 5, 2015

Name: Jasmine aka Missy
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: Mix
Age: 1-2 years old
Intake Date: March 9, 2014
Adoption Date: March 1, 2015

Name: Arya aka Lily
Gender: Doe
Breed: Holland Lop Cross
Born: September 14, 2014
Intake Date: October 31, 2014
Adoption Date: February 8, 2015

Name: Russo aka Warren
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Lionhead
Age: 2 1/2 - 3 years old
Intake Date: February 14, 2013/December 28, 2013
Adoption Date: January 10, 2015

Name: Olivia
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: Lop Cross
Age: Aprox 2-3 years old
Intake Date: March 9, 2014
Date Adopted: December 14, 2014

Name: Domino
Gender: Buck
Breed: Holland Lop Cross
Born: September 14, 2014
Intake Date: October 31, 2014
Date Adopted: December 1, 2014

Name: Harlee aka Wanda
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed November 18, 2010)
Breed: Holland Lop
Born: Aprox June 2010
Intake Date: November 11, 2014
Adoption Date: November 15, 2014

Name: Dobby
Gender: Buck (Neutered: November 13, 2014)
Breed: French Lop
Born: June 26, 2014
Intake Date: August 24, 2014
Date Adopted: November 13, 2014

Name: Tim
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Lop Cross
Age: Aprox 1-2 years old
Intake Date: March 9, 2014
Date Adopted: November 9, 2014

Name: Landon
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered October 17, 2014)
Breed: Lop
Age: 2 years old
Intake Date: August 5, 2014
Date Adopted: November 9, 2014

Name: Ron
Gender:Neutered Buck
Breed: Lop
Age: Young Adult
Intake Date: June 2014
Date adopted: November 10, 2014

Name: Clover
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Holland Lop
Age: 1 1/2 - 2 years old
Intake Date: October 5, 2013
Date Adopted: October 12, 2014

Name: Chester
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Flemish Giant
Age: Aprox 1 year old
Intake Date: March 9, 2014
Adoption Date: August 5, 2014

Name: Arthur
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Mix
Age: Aprox 1-2 years old
Intake Date: March 9, 2014
Adoption Date: July 28, 2014

Name: Bobo
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: Mini Lop
Age: 5 1/2 years old
Intake Date: February 22, 2014
Adoption Date: July 21, 2014

Name: Oreo
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Mix
Age: Aprox. 8 months - 1 1/2 years old
Intake Date: May 2014
Adoption Date: July 13, 2014

Name: Alice
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: New Zealand
Age: Aprox. 6 yrs old
Intake Date: February 9, 2013
Adoption Date: June 30, 2014

Name: Anna
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: Mix
Age: Aprox 1-2 years old
Intake Date: March 9, 2014
Adoption Date: May 23, 2014

Name: Jellybean aka Zack Moo
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered December 30, 2013)
Breed: Lionhead
Age: Adult
Intake Date: October 2014
Adoption Date: May 17, 2014

Name: Magnus
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Mix
Age: Aprox 2-3 years old
Intake Date: March 9, 2014
Adoption Date: May 10, 2014

Name: Baxter
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Mix
Age: Aprox 1-2 years old
Intake Date: March 9, 2014
Adoption Date: May 7, 2014

Name: Stark aka Walter
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered on March 3, 2014)
Breed: Mini Rex
Age: Born Aprox March 2013
Intake Date: February 13, 2014
Adoption Date: April 12, 2014

Name: Watson
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered December 30, 2013)
Breed: Mix
Age: Aprox 9 weeks old when he came to us.
Intake Date: October 1, 2013
Adoption Date: March 7, 2014

Name: Tyrion
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Dwarf Hotot
Age: Approx July 25, 2013
Intake Date: January 25, 2014
Adoption Date: March 1, 2014

Name: Kwyn
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed August 23, 2013)
Breed: Harliquin
Age: Born aprox. April 2013
Intake Date: July 29, 2013
Adoption Date: December 2, 2013

Name: Monty
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Netherland Dwarf
Age: 1 1/2 - 2 years old
Intake Date: October 4, 2013
Adoption Date: November 2, 2013

Name: Ryder
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Mini Lop X
Age: 4 years old
Intake Date: September 27, 2013
Adoption Date: October 8, 2013

Name: Atticus aka Sherlock
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Jersey Wooly
Age: Born May 24, 2013
Intake Date: August 25, 2013
Adoption Date: November 2013

Name: Oli
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Mini Rex Type
Age: 1 year
Intake Date: August 25, 2013
Date Adopted: September 29, 2013

Name: Juliet
Gender: Doe (Spayed September 26, 2013)
Breed: Dutch cross
Age: 5 months
Intake Date: June 2, 2013
Adoption Date: October 2013

Name: Nemo
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed November 25, 2012)
Breed: Dutch / Lop cross
Age: 1 1/2 years old
Intake Date: October 31, 2012
Date Adopted: September 20, 2013

Name: Belle
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: English Spot Mix
Age: 1 yr.
Intake Date: March 17, 2013
Date Adopted: April 23, 2013

Name: Penelope
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed March 6, 2013)
Breed: Holland Lop
Born: August 2011
Intake Date: March 2, 2013
Date Adopted: March 22, 2013

Name: Pippin
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Netherland Dwarf
Born: Adult
Intake Date:
Date Adopted:

Name: Trixie
Date Surrendered: Mid August 2012
Date Adopted: February 14, 2013

Name: Ashley
Date Surrendered:
Date Adopted: January 2013

Name: Tilly
Date Surrendered: November 19, 2012
Date Adopted: January 12, 2013.

Name: Casper
Date Surrendered: October 31, 2012
Date Adopted: December 21, 2012

Name: Mr .Bella
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Mix
Age: 5 years
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:

Name: Nermal
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: Mix
Age: 6 Weeks Old
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
6 week old female bunny!!!!for free!!!!
I have a 6 week old bunny that I am giving away. She is white and gray and fluffy she is really cute and sweet. She is used to be handled by children and does not bite. She eats rabbit pellets, lettuce carrots grass and any kind of green veggies. I want her to go to a good home and be well taken care of.
This ad was brought to our attention so we contacted the lady to warn her that such young baby buns listed for free can go for snake food or worse, to which she immediately scoffed and said that she didn't really care where the rabbit went, it was a first come, first served situation. We immediately offered to go pick her up and they mentioned that if someone else got there first they were not willing to hold her for anyone, so we rushed over to get her. She was in a small aquarium with her father (Her mother was out wandering the lawn with the young boy) with no hay, a small bowl of Wal-Mart pellets and an old, bruised apple. We immediately picked her up and left. We learned from a few other people that knew of the place that there were more rabbits in the basement that were breeding out of control in bad conditions, so we called the Humane Society and gave them her information.
We brought young Nermal to her foster home the next day and after a few days, her foster family fell head over heels for the little baby, so the decision was made for them to keep her.

Name: Jasper
Gender: Buck
Breed: Dutch
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Jasper, Tiana and Kia were all three surrendered from a family that had a litter of babies for Easter, and did not want to go through the troubles of raising the babies and getting rid of them when they realized raising bunnies wasn't what they thought it was. So they gave them to us at 4 weeks old. Luckily, by being very careful with their diets, they all survived and have been doing very well.
Jasper was adopted by a wonderful family who spoils him. He is on the timid side but is quite sweet and a healthy boy. He is now happlily bonded with Nermal.

Name: Jasper aka Norman
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Lop
Age: Adult
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Jasper was a surrender that was brought to us by a lady and her boyfriend that no longer wanted him. He was being poorly fed and due to this, he was underweight and had flaky skin due to malnutrition. Despite this, Jasper was extremely bright eyed and happy, loving attention and cuddles.
Jasper was adopted out once but after a few months, returned because the girl needed to move. He came back in decent physical condition, but extremely depressed and not nearly as happy as he had been. We concluded that he must have been ignored and left to sit in his cage, thus leading to boredom and depression. Jasper bounced back very well though, and is once again a very happy bunny.

Name: Ashton
Gender: Buck
Breed: Canadian Plush Lop
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Ashton was a surrender from a breeding. He did not fit the conformation for the breed and normally he would have been cull but due to his overwhelming personality,
While we were on our way home from one of our further events, we stopped by and picked up Ashton and Spyro.
Ashton is an extremely cuddly and would completely relax in the arms of whoever held him. He loved following people's feet and just begged attention at every turn.
He was adopted by a wonderful family who completely spoils and adores him.

Name: Daisy
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: Dutch
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Daisy was a surrender from a family that had gotten bored with her and no longer wanted her. When she came she had been on a diet of nothing but carrots for a few days since they knew we were going to pick her up and did not want to spend the extra money on food for her. She was quite hungry and her poop was literally orange, although she was quite overweight. She stayed with us for a bit before going to her foster home.
She stayed there for months without any interest and soon enough, she went to a new foster. Daisy is a very sweet bunny, but timid with strangers and quite unsure of herself, hiding in new surroundings and hesitant to approach people. She did gain confidence over her stay with her fosters and after plenty of cuddles and attention, grew a lot friendlier and got her down to a healthier weight with good pellets, hay and a variety of healthier vegetables.

Name: Lucy aka Bunnita
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: Mix
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Lucy was a surrender from a lady who was moving into a home that did not allow pets and she could no longer keep her. She was kept in a cage where, instead of cleaning her regularly and giving her a litter box, they simply kept piling new Carefresh on top of the old, resulting in layers upon layers of old, soiled bedding.
Lucy is an extremely clean rabbit who benefited highly from having a litter pan.
She originally came with the from BC where she was adopted from the SPCA. She was a seizure from a home that was unsuitable with her sister, so one can only imagine the conditions she was once kept in.
While Lucy is quite sweet, she is territorial and has been known to bite on those who come into her space too quickly or make sudden movements, so finding her a good, responsible home that is used to being patient with rabbits was a must.
Thankfully, Lucy found the perfect home (Where she was renamed "Bunnita") and is a hopeful bondmate to another rabbit named Bunnerkins. She is free roam of a room so it helps the problems of being territorial greatly.

Name: Muggle aka Wall-e
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Lop
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
We received a call from a family that had a neutered Holland Lop named Simba who was needing a new home. Apparently he was in a cage in the laundry room and was not allowed to leave due to the family dog, who had a high prey drive and would go for the rabbit if allowed to see him. They also supposedly had allergies that prevented them from spending too much time with him, so Simba was restricted from seeing anything other than the lonely laundry room.
Simba, renamed Muggle while he was with us, was a very friendly, active and curious rabbit who liked people but did not like being handled. He was a very handsome boy and it did not take long for him to be adopted.
He did not get to be with his new family long, however, as he was humanely euthanized at the vets due to a blockage. The family had gotten him a bed and did not notice in time that he had chewed a small hole in the bottom of the bed and had been eating the stuffing. By the time this was discovered, it was too late and he was, sadly, put to sleep.

Name: Thumper
Gender: Doe
Breed: Lop Cross
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Thumper was a surrender from a former rabbit hopping club member who was no longer allowed to attend. She and another member had been allowing their rabbits to breed, resulting in Thumper having back to back litters. This was very hard on poor Thumper's system and affected her greatly later in life.
Buttercup, Thumper and Skittles were all surrendered at the same time when the Mother of the girl who had the rabbits decided she no longer wanted them. For years the three rabbits had free roam of the back yard and commonly escaped, often found wandering the neighborhood. During the summer they survived off of grass and fruit, while in the winter they lived off of an abundance of fruit and Beneful dog food.
When the family decided that they no longer wanted the rabbits "destroying their yard", they built a small enclosure for the three rabbits out back and fed them fruit and dog food, resulting in them becoming extremely overweight and unhealthy. Finally, the parents posted on Facebook that they were planning on donating the rabbits to a local petting zoo. One of us were still friends with her on Facebook and saw the posting, in which we immediately volunteered to take the three rabbits in.
Thumper had old injuries from being attacked by something that resulted in her having a very odd hopping gait. Due to her age as well as health history, we decided to adopt her out without having her spayed since the odds of her making it through the surgery were poor. Despite all this, she was a very sweet and happy rabbit who loved people. She lived for a few months with her new family before passing away.

Name: Babbitty Rabbitty
Gender: Buck
Breed: Holland Lop
Age: Born October 1, 2007
Intake Date: November 2007
Adoption Date: November 2007
Babbitty Rabbitty was our very first rescue bunny that we decided to keep. He came from a breeder who decided that, despite being "confirmationally correct" and suitable for a show table, he simply had too much energy for her liking and decided that culling him would be more suitable. She had a cage in her breeding shed that she placed cull rabbits into that were suitable for snake food. The UPS delivery guy used her to stock food for his boa constrictor, so if he went in the back yard and saw rabbits in that cage, he knew he could take them and use them for food. Babbitty and Somebunny were two of those rabbits.
A friend of ours was looking for a bunny and since we knew her as an acquaintance, she offered up these two culls for her to pick from and the other could return to her. We knew taking these two buns that neither of them would be going back. Our friend picked Somebunny, and Babbitty wound up staying with us.
Babbitty is the most amazing rabbit I have ever met, extremely sweet and unbelievably social. He does have ongoing medical problems (Ear problems, back teeth problems) that we deal with.

Name: Bubba
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Mini Lop
Age: February 14, 2007
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Bubba was a rabbit that was originally given to a lady when she was looking for a companion for her young Holland Lop doe, Ashley. He was originally a Petland bunny and had a number of health problems such as growths, malocclusion and he was also deaf. He was, however, a rather outgoing and bossy rabbit.
When his new home needed to get rid of him due to allergies, he came to us for a while before his original owner was contacted and she decided that she would rather have him back instead of having him bounced around.
He returned home, leaving Ashley in our care.

Name: Buttercup
Gender: Doe
Breed: Lop Mix
Intake Date: February 14
Adoption Date:
Buttercup was a surrender from a former rabbit hopping club member who was no longer allowed to attend. She and another member had been allowing their rabbits to breed, resulting in Buttercup in their last litter.
Buttercup, Thumper and Skittles were all surrendered at the same time when the Mother of the girl who had the rabbits decided she no longer wanted them. For years the three rabbits had free roam of the back yard and commonly escaped, often found wandering the neighborhood. During the summer they survived off of grass and fruit, while in the winter they lived off of an abundance of fruit and Beneful dog food.
When the family decided that they no longer wanted the rabbits "destroying their yard", they built a small enclosure for the three rabbits out back and fed them fruit and dog food only, resulting in them becoming extremely overweight and unhealthy. Finally, the parents posted on Facebook that they were planning on donating the rabbits to a local petting zoo. One of us were still friends with her on Facebook and saw the posting, in which we immediately volunteered to take the three rabbits in.
Of the three, Buttercup was the most fearful and timid, although luckily not aggressive but not particularly adoptable either. We rehomed Thumper and Skittles separately and Buttercup became a permanent resident in our home.

Name: Kokomo
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: Dutch
Age: 3 years
Intake Date: 2009
Adoption Date: May 2009
Kokomo has been bounced around an unbelievable amount. We were approached by a woman who loved Kokomo, but was getting married and having a baby. She therefore believed that Kokomo would no longer be getting the attention and care that she rightly deserved, so she decided to surrender her.
Kokomo had been adopted by them from the Calgary Humane Society. She was a surrender from a family that had kept her in a backyard hutch and bred her. She was surrendered pregnant and gave birth in the Society, where she had 7 healthy little babies. They were all rehomed separately.
When we received Kokomo, she was obese and required quite some time to slim down. She was adopted out to two separate homes, both times being returned for problems with aggression and drawing blood on members of the new family. While we have noted that Kokomo is quite territorial and requires special handling, she is by no means aggressive, simply protective of her space and things.
As she does seem to like us so much, we decided that Kokomo would become a permanent resident here, rather than have her bounced around repeatedly with new people.

Name: Spyro
Gender: Buck
Breed: Canadian Plush Lop
Age: Young Adult
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Spyro is a rescue from the same lady that surrendered Ashton and Wallaby, and he was picked up at the same time as Ashton.
Spyro is a very playful rabbit that would rather be chasing you around then being cuddled. You need to watch your feet while he's out as he is constantly underfoot and amusing himself by weaving between your walking feet. He adores people. While he does not go to agility often, he loves the exercise and excels at it! He loves being occupied and doing things rather than relaxing.
He does have a large number of health problems, ranging from terrible back teeth, pastuerella respiratory infections, bordetella and trouble keeping weight on. Due to this, he is a permanent resident with us. He requires ongoing medications and herbs, as well as someone to make sure that his teeth stay in check and he does not develop abscesses.

Name: Ty
Gender: Buck
Breed: Dutch
Age: Adult
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Ty was presumably an Easter bunny purchase to an irresponsible family. He was kept around for some time until they decided he was no longer wanted. They contacted a rabbit breeder in Edmonton and told her that if she did not pick up Ty that night, he would be released in a local park and left there.
The breeder picked him up and kept him in her garage for some time on a tarp, which actually wound up dying his feet blue, before we went to Edmonton for an agility demonstration and she offered to give him to us since she had no use for him. One of the agility members decided she wanted to take him but could not keep him in her current apartment, so we decided to keep him at our house until she could come up with proper accommodations. In the end, it turned out that she could not take him at all.
We decided to try adopting him out to some other people, but that home did not work out either. In the end, we were so charmed by his personality, we decided to make him a permanent resident in our home.

Name: Kia
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: Dutch Mix
Age: Baby
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Jasper, Tiana and Kia were all three surrendered from a family that had a litter of babies for Easter, and did not want to go through the troubles of raising the babies and getting rid of them when they realized raising bunnies wasn't what they thought it was. So they gave them to us at 4 weeks old. Luckily, by being very careful with their diets, they all survived and have been doing very well.
Kia is a very beautiful bunny that is full of personality and energy. She is also very sweet but is quite timid with new people and situations. She does love grooming people though. She became very attached to us while we were raising her and her siblings, so we decided she would be a permanent resident with us.

Name: Tiana
Gender: Spayed Doe
Breed: Mix
Age: Baby
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Jasper, Tiana and Kia were all three surrendered from a family that had a litter of babies for Easter, and did not want to go through the troubles of raising the babies and getting rid of them when they realized raising bunnies wasn't what they thought it was. So they gave them to us at 4 weeks old. Luckily, by being very careful with their diets, they all survived and have been doing very well.
Tiana is a very loving and curious bunny who loves head rubs. She is bursting with personality and grew very attached to us while we were raising her. Due to this, we have decided that Tiana would become a permanent resident.

Name: Wallaby
Gender: Neutered Buck
Breed: Canadian Plush Lop
Age: Born August 20, 2008
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Wallaby was a rescue from the same lady who surrendered Spyro and Ashton. He had been kept in a wire, outdoor cage during the winter and somehow managed to tip over his water dish, in doing so wound up freezing the bottom of his feet and his ears to his cage. Luckily, he made a wonderful recovery, but still has thick scar tissue on his ears.
Wallaby is an extremely happy and affectionate rabbit that loves people, as well as agility. He is very cuddly and appreciates living indoors.
He is one of the rabbits that we have decided to make a permanent resident and will be staying with us.

Name: Skittles
Gender: Doe
Breed: Lionhead
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Skittles was a surrender from a former rabbit hopping club member who was no longer allowed to attend. She and another member had been allowing their rabbits to breed, resulting in them being not allowed in the club any longer.
Buttercup, Thumper and Skittles were all surrendered at the same time. For years the three rabbits had free roam of the back yard and commonly escaped, often found wandering the neighborhood. During the summer they survived off of grass and fruit, while in the winter they lived off of an abundance of fruit and Beneful dog food.
The parents became tired of the animals and posted on Facebook that they were planning on donating the rabbits to a local petting zoo. One of us were still friends with her on Facebook and saw the posting, in which we immediately volunteered to take the three rabbits in.
Skittles was a very mellow and laid back little rabbit who was adopted to a woman that loved her very much and bonded her with a lop named Liz. Unfortunately, she passed away a few years later, no doubt from accumulation of health problems this lifestyle caused.

Name: Jimmy
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Jimmy was a surrender from a breeder who could not rehome him. He was a very sweet and calm bunny who loved people. He was rehomed very quickly to a previous member of the rabbit hopping club.
Unfortunately, Jimmy did not have a very long lifespan as a number of health problems came up about a year into his life and he passed away with his family.

Name: Munchkin
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Munchkin was a rabbit that was with us for only a very short time before she was adopted. Someone who was a friend of a friend had been looking for a rabbit and adopted Munchkin after only a short time of having her.
She was surrendered with Jimmy from a breeder. She was on the timid side but very sweet. She had very pretty red eyes and given time, would be a very good pet for her new family.

Name: Midget
Gender: Doe
Breed: Holland Lop
Age: Young Adult
Intake Date:
Midget is an adorable Holland Lop that needed transportation from Edmonton to Calgary for a family that was going to take her from another group with Fidget. When we dropped them off, we had the suspicion that they would be another family that would be dumping the rabbit after a few months. They seemed unsure of the bunnies and did not even want to hold them. However, we did our best to educate them on proper rabbit care and hoped for the best since they had gone through someone else and it was not our place to refuse them.
They lasted a month before they showed up at a rabbit hopping event, begging for us to take the rabbits. We did, of course, and managed to find another home through the group that had originally had them.
Midget was a very sweet and adventurous rabbit who was very fond of people.

Name: Fidget
Breed: Mini Rex
Age: Young Adult
Intake Date:
Fidget was a beautiful black Mini Rex that needed transportation from Edmonton to Calgary for a family that was going to take her from another group. When we dropped them off, we had the suspicion that they would be another family that would be dumping the rabbit after a few months. They seemed unsure of the bunnies and did not even want to hold them. However, we did our best to educate them on proper rabbit care and hoped for the best since they had gone through someone else and it was not our place to refuse them.
They lasted a month before they showed up at a rabbit hopping event, begging for us to take the rabbits. We did, of course, and managed to find another home through the group that had originally had them.

Name: Kat
Gender: Buck
Breed: New Zealand
Age: Baby
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Kit and Kat were a surrender that came from a neighbor of ours that had two boa constrictors. After feeding his boa's only frozen food for the time he had them, he decided to try feeding them live. He ordered two two-week old baby New Zealand rabbits and put them in the cage with his snake with access to water, but no access to food. His snakes had no interest in the rabbits, so he approached us one day about them. We agreed to take them and found out the rabbits had been in with the snake for an entire week. How they survived for so long with no appropriate food is nothing short of a miracle. When we went to pick them up, Kat was actually sitting directly on the snakes head.
When we brought them back, they eagerly ate and grew at a nearly alarming rate. They did suffer from an upper respiratory infection, which was treated successfully by our vet. They were both unbelievably sweet and social after all they had gone through in their short lives.
They were both rehomed.

Name: Kit
Gender: Doe
Breed: New Zealand
Age: Baby
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Kit and Kat were a surrender that came from a neighbor of ours that had two boa constrictors. After feeding his boa's only frozen food for the time he had them, he decided to try feeding them live. He ordered two two-week old baby New Zealand rabbits and put them in the cage with his snake with access to water, but no access to food. His snakes had no interest in the rabbits, so he approached us one day about them. We agreed to take them and found out the rabbits had been in with the snake for an entire week. How they survived for so long with no appropriate food is nothing short of a miracle. When we went to pick them up, Kat was actually sitting directly on the snakes head.
When we brought them back, they eagerly ate and grew at a nearly alarming rate. They did suffer from an upper respiratory infection, which was treated successfully by our vet. They were both unbelievably sweet and social after all they had gone through in their short lives.
They were both rehomed.

Name: Oreo
Gender: Buck
Oreo was a very unique case indeed!
Oreo was seen by my Dad while he was leaving the house to go to work. He had been darting through the street and hiding under cars. I immediately went outside with a butterfly net and after an hour of trying to catch him, needed to head back inside to head to school.
We saw him again when I got home and went out to catch him, only to leave empty handed when it ran back into a yard that we could not access. It was not until the next day that we managed to catch Oreo, only to discover from someone that he belonged to a neighbor that wanted him back. We hesitantly placed him back in the yard. We watched him from then on, knowing that the family would not give him up and that other then when he escaped, they were breaking no laws. We spent a fair bit of time chasing him back into his yard out of the street to ensure that he would not be run over. We often saw him sitting on the deck in the rain, a heart wrenching site.
Finally, one day he would not go back to the yard so we caught him once more in the butterfly net, only to have his "family" come out and finally decide to give him to us. We were overjoyed and immediately brought him inside to start his life as a house bunny. We got him healthy and happy before rehoming him.
Gone but never forgotten...

Name: Aloy
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed October 19, 2022)
Breed: Jersey Wooly
Born: Young Adult
Intake Date: October 5, 2022
This poor girl has so many problems with GI and every time it happens is such a strain on them. To have them so close together is hard.
Through mid day on July 26, 2024 she had started to show some signs of improvement and she seemed to be perking up, as well as a better blood glucose level, but around 5:00 p.m. she very rapidly declined once more and we had to make the kindest decision for her, which was letting her go.
We are having a necropsy done to find out exactly what happened and why, and hoping perhaps it has some clues as to why she was so prone to the issues of blockages and GI Stasis.
We stayed with her and it was a very peaceful passing.Rest in Peace Aloy.
We got results back from Aloy's necropsy, and it did confirm some suspicions that we had, as well as explain why she has had so many problems with GI issues.
Aloy had 3 adhesions through her bowels, attaching her bowel to her stomach and her pancreas, and the small intestine to her colon. She had one at her duodenum that, on Friday, closed off the bowel entirely. It wasn't a physical traditional blockage, but her intestine instead the sealing of the intestine that caused her to back up. Each time she had an episode, it would likely cause a little more inflammation to the bowel which would in turn tighten the adhesion, which would make her more prone to these episodes. It was a ticking time bomb and this blockage just tipped the scales a little too much.
This is something that isn't at all common and we have no idea how it could have happened, likely however from her time as a stray. Unfortuanately, there was nothing that could have been done to stop this outcome and putting her to sleep was ultimately the best decision for her.

Name: Sophia
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed: May 20, 2022)
Breed: Domestic
Born: Adult (Estimated between 3 to 4 years old at time of intake.)
Intake Date: July 25, 2020
May 13, 2024
As if this year hasn't been bad enough for us, it just keeps delivering.
Sophia has survived and overcome so much. An animal attack which resulted in a foot being torn off and a lot of other damage from it, cardiac arrest twice, a precancerous uterus, so much more then any rabbit should have to go through. And it is so upsetting to me that in the end, it all came down to the damage from that initial attack and the damage that comes from compensating for it that forced a decision. But when it came to the point where 3 pain meds, one of which was an opiod, cold laser therapy and acupuncture wasn't cutting it, we knew we needed to make a decision.
This one is really hitting me hard. She was an incredibly sweet rabbit and had such a loving spirit even after all she went through.
I'm glad we got to stay with her until the end, it was a very peaceful passing, and that we were able to give her a good life.
Rest in Peace Sophia
Name: Jon Snow
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered May 1, 2017)
Breed: Domestic
Age: Born Approx September 2016
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: Up to date
Intake Date: March 14, 2017
Adoption Date: May 14, 2017
Surrendered: November 21, 2017
We are honestly still in shock and completely devastated. Early morning of February 8, 2023 was something out of a nightmare and I still can't believe Jon is gone.
While eating his pellets last night, Jon began to choke. One second, he was happily eating, the next, he was clearly panicking. We immediately began to Heimlich him, and it seemed to take forever to get it dislodged even though it was all probably less then a minute. We knew every second counted and we just could not seem to get it out. Finally, we did at least enough that he could breathe, but it was terrible sounding and we could tell it had gotten to his lungs. I didn't even hardly grab anything, we just got in the car and sped to western.
The whole drive we could tell he wasn't doing well, and when we arrived he was still sitting up but certainly in distress. They got him on oxygen and sedated to calm him down, but after some time his vitals were going down and he was suffering. He had aspirated a considerable amount and was slowly suffocating, so we made the decision to end it.
I can't believe this happened still, and after everything that poor rabbit went through, all the things we have done to help him and how he has cheated death multiple times, this is what does it. A stupid pellet.
I'm glad we have taken the first aid course multiple times and I'm glad we knew exactly what to do, I had always thought when watching and practicing the Heimlich maneuver that I wasn't sure how I would do it, but the second it was obvious he couldn't breathe, it was a very automatic thing and my hands knew exactly where to go and what we needed to do.
I beg of everyone, if you have a rabbit, PLEASE familiarize yourself with how to do this, once it is happening and you need it, you are not going to have time to look it up. It was seconds before it was a life or death situation for Jon. Practice with a stuffed animal and get a general idea of how it works (I will share a link to a video in the comments)
In our case, unfortunately, it still wasn't enough. I'm so sorry Jon, I'm glad we had the years with you that we did, but I wish it could have been so many more.
Jon's hisstory with us:
Stoic and strong, just like his namesake. Jon Snow is a tough little bun with a lot of heart.
Jon originally came to us as a feral from the Manchester Industrial area that had been attacked by a cat. He sustained some very serious injuries and it took a lot of time and patience to get him healthy again, but thankfully he recovered beautifully and was adopted out. Through no fault of his own he had to be returned to us, but it turned out to be a good thing as we noticed fairly soon after that something with him just wasn't quite right. His foster wasn't quite sure what was wrong, but brought him in to the vet due to that feeling and it was lucky for Jon that he was taken in!
He had experienced a weakening in the walls of his intestine, which caused it to bubble out and form a pocket where fecal matter was getting stuck and starting to go septic, it was shocking that he was even still alive considering what must have happened, possibly a perforation, to cause this to happen in the first place! He was rushed in for emergency surgery where it was extremely touch and go for him, but thankfully the amazing staff at Calgary Avian and Exotic pushed through and saved his life. Because of the surgery to his bowel however, he will always be at risk for blockages due to the narrowing in his intestine, even the possibility of scar tissue adhering to itself and blocking him completely. Because of this, he is considered a special needs adoption. It is not recommended that he be bonded as his fecal output needs to be closely monitored to ensure everything still looks normal and he's not starting to experience issues.

Name: Mikah
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed February 2015)
Breed: Holland Lop
Born: September 14, 2014
Intake Date: October 31, 2014
On trial run: February 3, 2018
Back from trial run: May 20, 2018
On November 5, 2022 our poor girl took a very dramatic turn. We rushed her to Western Emergency last night but it was pretty clear what she needed. We had to say goodbye.
Despite everything we were doing and how things had been going, she had been doing better and improving over the past week, and it was such a shock. I just didn't see it coming and was completely blindsided us how she went from doing so well and eating so much this morning/afternoon that for the first time since this all started I had to refill her hay rack through the day, to how she was last night. I really wish there was more we could have done, but that cecum just seemed to completely give up even with everything we were doing.
She had such terrible luck with her body her entire life, and it sucks that genetics ruined so many things for her. But I am glad she was with us through almost all of it, 8 years, and that we were able to be with her right up till the end.
Rest in Peace Mikah

Name: Snookems
Gender: Spayed Femaele (July 22, 2022)
Breed: Domestic
Born: February 17, 2022
Intake Date: February 17, 2022
We are in complete and utter shock, and devastated to say Snookems passed suddenly on July 24, 2022. With it being a Sunday, we had rushed her to two vet clinics trying to get her help (the first clinic did not have the emergency staff on at the time comfortable with handling her case), but unfortuanately while going to the second one she had a very rapid decline and while trying to save her at the second clinic she passed.
It all happened extremely fast, and it was heart breaking for all involved. Thank you Sanctuary Veterinary Hospital for all that you did in trying to save her and your compassion in such a fast moving situation.

Name: Eevee
Gender: Intact Sow
Breed: American Guinea Pig
Age: Adult
Intake Date: May 5, 2019
Update: Eevee passed away on June 12, 2022
Eevee was found in a baseball diamond just as snow was starting to fall. She had sustained some very severe trauma, which caused bleeding inside her eye, a ruptured lens to the other eye and swelling. She has since healed well from the trauma, but no longer is able to see well and is a very skittish piggy because of this. She is terrified of human touch, but really enjoys being talked to and squeaks up a storm when she hears people.
She unfortunately also suffers from a heart murmur, and does have ovarian cysts that will possibly develop in to cancer. Because of her numerous health issues, it has been decided she will stay a permanent foster and be kept comfortable as long as possible.

Name: Zagreus
Gender: Neutered Buck (Neutered: 2016)
Breed: Flemish Giant Cross
Born: Adult (First adopted from CHS in 2016)
RHDV2 Vaccination Date: April 28, 2021
Intake Date: March 19, 2021
We had to say goodbye to Zagreus yesterday, November 24, 2021, I cannot believe how quickly the situation changed for him. He had been seeming to get better, he was moving a lot more and was always so eager for love and attention, always greeted us in the morning by standing up in his pen.
Then a couple days ago he started having a problem biting his supplements in half so we assumed dental trouble and booked him for the soonest vet appointment we could get. Over the span of a couple days he progressed to not being able to chew well at all and was kept going on syringe feedings, and his mobility got considerably worse, we kept trying hoping he would improve. Yesterday morning he seemed unable to swallow and wasn't able to hold himself up. Even in the time going to the vet he seemed to be rapidly losing sensation in his limbs. When we got there the vet said he didn't have deep pain in his back legs and didn't attempt to correct where his front legs were, wasn't trying to hold himself up there either. It seemed whatever had been causing issues in his spine all this time had changed and was taking his nerves with it (she suspects potentially cancer, it is hard to say without an MRI but he wouldn't have been able to tolerate that) or perhaps a stroke since his one side seemed worse then the other.
Unfortunately, with him being unable to move, chew or swallow the choice was obvious. I'm grateful we were able to be with him and he had a peaceful passing. He wasn't in our lives long but he was such a loving guy and he connected very strongly, very quickly with his fosters.

Name: Luna
Gender: Spayed Doe (Spayed: March 14, 2013)
Breed: Holland Lop
Age: Born Approx 2012
Origional Intake Date: March 2013
Adoption Date: July 26, 2015
Date Surrendered Back: May 2019
Some of you may recognize this pretty girl! Luna was going on 9 years old and unfortunately she had come back to our care for the third time through no fault of her own.
On October 18, 2020 Luna devloped a blockage and had surgery, after a couple days being hosptalized, we had to make the hard decision to let her go on October 20, 2020 when it became apparent she had developed another obscruction.

Name: Sparta
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Sparta was a surrender that was brought to us by a woman that claimed her friend had found him running loose around Calgary. The friend kept him for a while, but realized that a rabbit was more work then she thought and gave him to the lady that gave him to us. She kept him for a while as well in a dog crate in her back yard, leaving him as entertainment for her young son. When her husband notified her that he was coming back from Iraq, she decided to get rid of Sparta as her husband did not approve of pets.
Sparta had severe dental problems, a dislocated shoulder and his quality of life was deteriorating. After a few weeks of attempting treatment and trying to find a solution, the decision was made to have Sparta humanely euthanized.

Name: Roxy
Gender: Doe
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
Roxy came from an elderly man who received Roxy when he agreed to baby sit her for two weeks for someone and they never came back for her. The man kept her for 2 years, allowing her to be free roam around his apartment although his family made him get rid of her when she started ruining his apartment. She was in very poor shape when she came in with extremely overgrown nails and was very skinny, although we later realized that a big reason she was so skinny was due to cancer.
She had developed cancer through her abdomen and chest cavity and while we tried to get her up to a proper weight so she could be operated on, she passed away in her foster home.
Although it was very sad and we wish there was more we could have done for her, we are glad that she was able to experience love and happiness in her foster home with people who cared about her.

Name: MacLeod
Gender: Buck
Intake Date:
Adoption Date:
We were driving home and a baby appears right by the road. We decide to pull off and see if we could get it, since it seemed to be young enough to have been an Easter baby, which might mean it was recently left there and easy to catch, but unfortunately it got under someone's deck and we couldn't to get it.
We came back and Mom was talking about a cute black rabbit that came over and actually nose bonked her hand, but he got chased off by a brown rabbit that came at him from down the street. They got entangled in the road and were running towards busy traffic so Mom tried herding them towards a safer place. By the time we got back the brown rabbit had run off and the black rabbit was now grazing on a lawn with a doe.
Originally we were going to try and catch the doe then, she looked awful with missing hair and an open wound, but she wouldn't let us near her. Little black guy was still hanging around though and he led us on a bit of a merry chase, nose bonking our hands before spraying and bouncing off, seemed to be quite amused by it all. I had my one shot and quickly got him by the shoulders.
He struggled until I managed to get a football hold on him and we got him in the car as quick as we could. He was understandably confused and stressed, but seemed to settle down surprisingly fast, to the point where he actually flopped on the seat between us and seemed to relax a bit. We had to do some cleaning when we got him home, I was petting him and my hand came away filthy with dirt and motor oil mixed up.
He didn't want to poop the first day we had him and we were really concerned because he was eating, drinking and acting perfectly normal, he chowed down on anything that we put in front of him and he was peeing, but there was no poop, until I witnessed him pooping and then eating it as soon as it came out! Not cecotropes, but actual poop. It's suspected to be due to malnutrition.

Name: Wozowski
Intake Date:
Wazowski was a surrender that came to us from a woman who worked at a pet store and stopped them from euthanizing him. She called us claiming that he was suffering from a light upper respiratory infection and she needed to get rid of him. He was living in a Tupperware container and she only had enough food to last him one more night, otherwise he would starve. She had no more money for food.
When we brought him home, we realized that he was severely splay legged in both legs in the front end and his respiratory infection was more serious than originally stated. He was extremely thirsty and we believe it was because he only had access to a water bottle, which was raised too high for him to drink from. He could not even eat out of a food dish, so we placed his food on the floor where he could reach it. His respiratory problem was more severe then what we were told, he continually sneezed up thick, white mucous.
When we awoke the next morning, he was covered in mucous on the top of his head, ears, nose and feet from attempting to clean it and only spread it. We discovered he was also grinding his teeth from pain. He went into the vet and everything we thought was confirmed, as well as him having a high fever from infection and he was also suffering from a dislocated shoulder. We got a second opinion from another clinic and after thinking over his quality of life, we decided to have him humanely euthanized.

Name: Sarah
Gender: Unaltered Doe
Breed: Lop Cross
Age: Aprox. 5+ years old
Intake Date: May 2014
Meet Sarah, a beautiful and friendly girl who came in to the rescue in rough shape.
Sarah was found by a family in a park where she had been recently dumped. They kept her for a few days until they decided on what to do with her, deciding to try contacting us. We were full at the time and offered to come take some photos of her to see if we could get any interest, but when we saw he condition we knew we had to take her in.
She was missing hair under both eyes due to her eyes running and matting up the fur beneath them, causing it to fall out. Now that her foster keeps on top of keeping her eyes clean, she has been able to grow most of it back in.
Her teeth were very misaligned, causing them to grow sideways out of her mouth and it makes it difficult for her to eat. Whoever had her previously allowed them to grow quite long and made it extremely hard for her to eat anything and because of this, she was thin. She went in to the vet every two weeks for a tooth trim.
Her toes were oddly floppy, whether from injury to them or a genetic disorder we are unsure, but it causes them to look a bit strange.
Despite all the obvious neglect that she has endured, she was very outgoing and very social with people, although a little unsure of new things. She was doing very well under our care and she was getting the proper care she needed for the rest of her life through AAORR.
After doing all we could, we had to have Sarah humanely eithanized on August 26, 2015. She was loved by many, especially her foster mom. She will be missed, but never forgotten.

Name: Clementine (Rest in Peace)
Gender: Doe
Breed: Holland Lop
Age: Born August 16, 2015
Intake Date: October 17, 2015
Meet Clementine, a young Holland Lop with a dislocated back leg.